Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Year of Diana???

Once upon a time, it became 2013.  What?  Ok, so here we are in 2013.  2012 had it's ups and downs, but so far this year has been relatively good.

Here is a list of good things that are coming my way:
1) I am going to New York City for my 35th birthday.  Holler!  With 3 girlfriends and possibly the gaybors...
2) I have a job (which funds these trips)
3) My house happens to be clean
4) I met a decent guy.  He stands up when I go to the lady's room.  It's nice, surprising, and what I would consider a party trick.  Not everyone does that, which makes others curious or jealous.  I am good with both.

Things that could be better:
1) I win the lotto before I go to New York City
2) New carpet magically got installed in my house
3) I get promoted???
4) I didn't have this sinus infection or stupid cold and could breathe through both nostrils.

Things that will be coming up:
1) a blog about the Greyhound bus.
2) the Superbowl
3) my birthday month
4) the end of this cold or sinus infection!

That is the lists of 2013 for now...