Patsy Cline wrote Crazy. I know you have heard the song. And if you haven't, then you were probably born in 1987 like the new hire today, or you have no sense of culture. Regardless, I think Patsy Cline wrote this song traveling to Midland / Odessa, TX, or any part of West Texas for that matter.
And thus begins my story...
Once upon a time in a dusty, windy region, a fair, young maiden traveled for work. Little did she know she would be entering the TWILIGHT ZONE! Cue music!!!

SIDEBAR - One man at lunch, named George McFly, always takes his ball cap off while he is eating. It brings up fond memories of my mom yelling, "take your hat off at the dinner table." At the time, I thought it was stupid. Now, I miss it a little. When McFly does it, it reminds me of what good manners he has, and that we share a love for sandwiches.
Ok back to my ranting...
Here is an example of the backwoods-ness of this West, TX area, if I walk into a hospital and see a women in a white coat, I don't automatically assume she is the nurse because she is female. I also don't look at the doctor and think, oh he must be the doctor because he is male.
In West Texas, women are secretaries. "Does that word even exist?" Men, on the other hand are the "bosses." It makes me want to slit my wrists. So not admin professionals, the term secretary is still used, what is worse is the women use it to refer to themselves. It makes me want to set up a swear jar. Remember, if you said shit, you had to put a quarter in the jar. I should do that for the word secretary.
So onto the real drama of my story. I travel to this one particular site, and there is a lady named Ms. Mouth of the South, only she is really in the West. I consider Texas the South, so it works. She is the most emotional woman I have ever met in my life. I guess I have toughened up working with mostly men. I think that if I am boo hoo-ing all the time, they might not take me serious. Let's just say right now they take me serious. (and I am pretty nice...after my cup of coffee) Ms. Mouth of the South cries once a week, gossips about everything and everyone, and basically is becoming my full time job. I told her she was on a "no crying" restriction. I told her if she was crying, someone better be dead. I guess I come from the school of if you are going to work with men, you better work at their level. Now I am not saying that they don't have an emotional moment here and there. I can tell you that I have never seen one cry in my office. Not ever. I think if they were crying, someone would probably be dead.
Honestly all the problems Ms. Mouth of South has is that she let's everything become personal and emotional. She wants everyone to like her, everyone to come talk to her, and everyone to depend on her. In the real world, there are people that you are not going to like and vice versa. I actually have an arch nemesis who works in Dallas. His name is actually Arch Nemesis. When I speak of his stupid ass, people at work, all ready know who I am speaking of. I have basically replaced his name. (and not even to protect the innocent, like in my blog) Come to think of it, I nick name everyone. I like it. Regardless, everything is about her feelings. It makes me nuts. I have emotions, but I keep them to myself or I call my posse of people who are allowed to see my weaknesses and love me anyway. I literally roll my eyes when I get an email. It's probably as automatic as blinking.
Needless to say, this story is only the beginning. I am quite positive there will soon be a Ms. Mouth of the South monologues coming out in the near future. Or when I have to travel out to the west again.
The End. (for now)
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