Doesn't it feel like we are always in a hurry? I am not talking about just day to day, but in life. I blame society. Sometimes I feel like I am so behind. I am not complaining about my AWESOME life, but sometimes, just sometimes I need to vent a little.
So this is how it are in high school. The first rush to life is this, "have you picked a college?" The pressure is to go to college and learn something. The problem is when you get there you don't really know what you are interested in. Some people do, like the nurses and the doctors, they seem to have it figured out much sooner then the rest of us. So you go to college and then you have to pick a major. For me, I didn't pick a major until I was about a junior. They forced me to pick. So I picked psychology, because I liked it. But thankfully my dad said, well if you want to get a job, you better minor in business or something. At the time, I wanted to work with people and do something to help others. If I could go back in time, I should have majored in IT or Accounting. Both really don't deal with people too much, but a little. At 35, I know EXACTLY what I want. I want to fly all over the country and tell people what to do, and then they DO IT. I don't want any employees, I want to be an individual contributor. I want to make more dang money. I know that money doesn't solve the world's problems. For me, I just want to catch up, catch up with Miss Italian Accountant, my wise friend - Miss Ford Focus, or my dad.
So you get a job, and you start at the bottom. You learn that there are stereotypes and politics and bureaucracy. Nothing prepares you for that. You walk in idealistic. You can change the world. You have the answers. A good friend of mine, Mrs. Jones (ironic because we both, truly love Bridget Jones' Diary) She married a Jones, isn't that crazy? Ok, back to the story, she was and is 5 years older than me. I met her, and she said to me, "You are so idealistic, I give you 5 years before you become cynical." At the time, I was a mere 22 and she was 28, on her way to 30. My boss at the time, treated me like the 4th kid in her family. I hated it, I wanted to be treated like a grown up. I laughed when she said it to me. Then, I hit 28, 29 and 30 and I got it. I really got it. I wasn't green anymore.
My next job, is where I loved the people, I was still the youngest in the office. With that, I brought fun, pranks, and a genuine knowledge of how to treat employees and what a thank you really mean. My past employees, are people I consider my second family. I miss them every day that I go to work at my current job. They were kind, and loyal, and they still are. Eventually, I got bored. Not with the people, with the job itself. I did lots of different things, and each day was different but I wasn't moving up. All during this time, one particular Ninja who worked in the warehouse kept asking me, "when are you going to settle down? when are you going to stop partying and have a family and some babies, tick tock, tick tock." At the time, I was dating the shingle boyfriend, as I like to call him. He brought nothing to the table. WHATSOEVER. My dad literally broke out into painful shingles because he didn't like this guy for me. In the end, he and my mom were right. Right again, I should say. I just hadn't found someone that completed me in the right way. Everyone I worked with was married, some had 6 dang kids, but there wasn't any prospects for me. I think I tried every dating tactic known to man. I combed the gym, the grocery store, the local happy hours, my friends who had friends. Nothing. I tried dating online for the better part of a decade. But at work, I wanted to move up. Get promoted, run the show. But I was stuck. I worked with lots of men, ALL sales men.
So my gaybors talked me into grad school. Within the week, I was enrolled. This should do it, this should catapult me to the top. I was and am good with people, I am smart, I listen and I have a million good ideas. Not the one to have my own business yet, but still a bunch of good ideas. Plus, I had to go to grad school or I would be the black sheep in my immediate family. Even my brother has a masters in art, of which he doesn't use, and he doesn't paint anymore.
So for me, I want everything to fall into place NOW. I am tired of waiting. I am tired of having a job that doesn't make me happy. I am tired of searching for a job that WILL make me happy. I am tired of getting up super early and getting home super late. I am mad at the gym because they don't have classes that work around my schedule. I miss cycling with Dr. Mom who does it all and keeps me in awe. When I feel overwhelmed, I think well Dr. Mom does way more than me, so suck it up!
So finally, finally at the ripe age of 30-something, I met this great guy...he is starting to look like this. He doesn't have a mustache, because if he did, it might be white. Remember, he had a gray hair at 10 years old, or so he claims.
So he changed jobs, and that is great, but I am also like HURRY UP!!! It can be what are we doing this weekend? and then my demand takes off to where are you going in life? am I going forward with you? and can you tell me when that will be? A date? A time? An estimate? We are taking our first trip to Viva Las Vegas in December. He has never been. I am like WHAT?
I have been given permission from Miss Silky Hair Cowgirl that I can go buck wild. She is my tall building travel companion. I mean really wild, because the men will be there to react or make sure we don't end up in jail. I can't guarantee that I won't be dancing on a stage, singing Tom Jones. I can also not guarantee that I won't be in body glitter for 4 days either. You know body glitter goes with everything especially in Vegas.
So at this point, I guess I am waiting for A VACATION, which will have to do for now...
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