So once upon a time, I embarked on a business road trip. Picture Vacation with Chevy Chase, the only difference was that I was with my boss and HR. We were in an Ford Expedition rather than a classic station wagon. So I arrived to the plant on time at the crack of dawn, also known is 6:30am. Don't worry I was on time. My boss, however was not. Sadly, I was dropped at the curb with all my things. I guess it could have been worse. The driver could have just slowed down and let me hop out while the car was still moving. I am sure the idea was thought about.
So 2 hours later, we stop for McDonald's and after 2 more stops, we arrive in dry and desolate West Texas. I learned my tolerance for driving is about 3 hours, it's not 9. Who in the world wants to be in a car that long? So after picking up another co-worker, we ate lunch. We went to Chili's. It was the longest lunch of my life. The people are of another breed. The breed that is in no hurry for anything, EVER. Our waitress had bleach blonde and black hair mixed together. I wanted to tell her to pick a color, clear the table and take my order all in one breathe. Now don't get me wrong, I am NOT always in a hurry but come on, I would like to eat before the moon comes out. Clear the table and let's get on with it. So after the longest lunch in history, we all pile back into the car and take off. I thought this was the perfect time to get into the third row and crash out. I slept all the way to the next location, which was even farther West.
The plant that I arrived at was something out of a horror movie. It was a garage mixed with a shack. I walked into a place with a floor that resembled my garage floor, only not as nice. It was warm and stuffy, because the window air conditioning units were not working but instead blowing warm air. I was never more aware that I was in blue jeans than this moment. I was hot in two seconds and starting to sweat. At this point, I couldn't wait to get back into the car and get the hell out of dodge. The plant was in the middle of a neighborhood, but not a nice one. There was a haunted, run down house next store that had graffiti on it. I thought, this might be my "final destination." I was waiting for the ceiling to just cave in, and that 4 days later they find my overheated, red body, chewed up by vultures or wild wolves. So I started to work with the gentleman there. He was in shorts, and I only wished I was too. The office was small and cluttered. I didn't know where to start. We worked on a few things and after about 2 hours, it was time to get back in the car and head to the hotel. Naturally on the way back, the engine light came on. I thought, this is certainly the end for me. The rental car will break down, no one will find us and we will all perish in the middle of no where. We made it back, only to eat again. I can't tell you how tired I was from eating, riding, driving and sleeping.
We arrive at our hotel and begin to check in, our room was priced the same as the Ritz, only it was a Holiday Inn Express. Not quite the same. I have never been to the Ritz, but it's on my bucket list. I took the most glorious shower of my life. I could have stayed there forever. Afterwards, I knew that the next day would be a bad hair day because I didn't want to do anything but hit the pillow. I attempted to get online, but that didn't work. I didn't care much because I was too tired anyways. So I flip some channels and finally pass out.
The next morning, I woke up with a crick in my neck. Of course.
However, once back in the car, I thought I might have a nervous breakdown...from being in the car again. We got to talking and I thought about my life. This often happens on long road trips I think. My first thought was I wish I had some corn nuts. My second thought was that is this my life?
It felt like my life was at a stand still while everyone around me was moving forward. I know that's not all true. Sometimes you just want what the people around you have. I want to live in a downtown loft, have a killer high paying job, with a good looking guy on my arm. It could happen...
It made me think of my mom, also known as the Lady of Leisure. My mom is sweet and I envy her sometimes. She is always busy even though she doesn't have to work and support herself. She is selfless and would do anything for me. In my office, I joke about how I want a man for: taking out the trash, taking my car for an old change and asking me how my day was. I know that isn't the only things, but those are the 3 things that I want the most, even if it's a very simple request.
One time, and this is something I will never forget. At Christmas a while back, I got a small box wrapped from my mom. It was just from her. It was small and I wondered what little surprise was inside. When I opened this box, it had a pair of diamond earrings in it. I was in awe at the sparkle and the fact that I did not have diamond earrings, nor did I ask for them. But I had recently had a break up with a guy. In hindsight, I knew that we would have never lived happily ever after. I looked at my mom who was looking at me, and she said, "I thought you deserved some diamonds." Like since I didn't get a diamond ring, and I was back to square one with my never ending drama of a love life. She got it. She gave me just what I needed that I didn't know I needed it.

And to think that sometimes I am jealous of YOU because you can come and go as you please... go to the gym when you want, spend your money how/when you want, no one demands your time... your grass sometimes looks pretty green to me. :-) Live it up, girl.