- Please and thank you
- Chew with your mouth closed
- Cross your legs if you are wearing a dress
- Wipe your feet at the door and take your shoes off in a persons home
- Ask to be excused from the dinner table (this one was really important - and you had to say MAY I be excuse from the table PLEASE? - or you'd sit there)
- Offer food or drinks to guests
- Open doors for people behind you and ladies
- Apologize to someone if you bump into them
- Wait to eat until everyone at the table is seated and ready to eat
- Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze
These seem pretty common.
Once upon a time, I was on a plane on the way home from Detroit. I sat next to the largest man who honestly looked like he was having triplets. He should have bought 2 seats, not 1. His legs were spread wide open, so he basically took up all my leg room. It pissed me off immediately. Then to top it off, the jack ass in front of me reclined his seat. I never recline my seat on a plane because it pisses me off so much. So I basically felt like a sardine in a can. What annoyed me more is that when the flight attendant came by to ask what beverage I would like. The person from India near the window says, "tomato juice," the fat man besides me says, "ginger ale," I reply, "ginger ale, please," Even though I know it will be Canada Dry, and not Vernors, I still know to say please. Then the flight attendant brings everyone their drink and I am the only one who says, "thank you," by which she replies, "you are welcome." So the 2 schmucks next to me say nothing. What the heck is wrong with people? That nice woman should have poured the drinks on those 2 idiots next to me. I would have stood up and applauded her.

Prior to this little airplane trip, I was visiting my 2 cousins, Mr. Big Deal, and Mr. Sweetheart. Both of which are 7 or more years younger than me, but have better manners that the last 5 guys I had a date with, except for 1, who picks me up, and opens my door when we go out. Miss Fashionista and I went to visit my family, and immediately when we arrived, the boys, put our luggage in the trunk, opened the palace doors to White Castle and took us to lunch. Afterwards, they got our luggage out of the trunk, carried them to our room, and offered us a beverage in their home. Now, my Ms. Crazy Fun raised these boys right. They are wonderful. She also told me that my standards in men are not too high, and that waiting for the right one is far better than putting up with the wrong one. Now, if I could just get the people in Texas to see eye to eye with my family, I'd be all set.
It amazes me how rude people are. They talk on their phone in the grocery store check out line. They don't take their hat off when eating at a restaurant. People don't offer elderly people a seat when they should stand. They start eating before everyone is served. They don't open the doors. Some don't even pay when they ask you to go out for a drink. "SEPARATE" See earlier blog for that drama story. Trust me, it's a must read.
The morale of the story is this: if you have manners, you will get far in life. If you don't, then you're schmuck.
The End.
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