Dear Phantom Readers,
Once upon a time on a Monday, this happened to me...
First off, the Miss Blue hair, already knows what they are, tells me that they come in all different shapes and colors, you can trade them, and her granddaughter has tons of them. Disappointment #1.

Alright, so I am currently in my 30's, if you know me, then you will know my true age, and then you will minus 3 off of that because that is what I tell strangers my age is. So I ventured to the 'rents house this weekend and my mom, who is a cross between Martha Stewart and June Cleaver gives me these rubber band bracelets. They are in the shape of a Princess, there are 4 different kinds. You can wear them and they never lose their shape. My mom tells me they are the latest rage for kids. So they are different colors, and shapes (like animals and fruit) and you wear them and then you are cool. So I think to myself, I will take these to work and hand them out to the girls and tell them that they are cool and that I am sharing. WRONG!

Then, Miss Strawberry tells me that she has seen them all over the place. All the stores have them. Disappointment #2
Then, Miss Country Beer drinker tells me that her step-nephew has them too, and that they were lying all over the backseat of the car. Disappointment that takes the cake!
So since when is my mom, who is clearly a motherly age know more about this stuff that me, who is somewhere around half her age? I mean what the heck? I thought knowing who stupid Dora the explorer was at least kept me in the loop, but NO!
I watch the freaking TODAY SHOW. That's where I get all my news. Why isn't there a story yet? Dang it. I am off to get a drink, something only adults can do. And I hope it comes with an umbrella in it!
Peace out.
I have not heard of these bracelets and I work with children all day long. I would be happy to learn about your bracelets, especially the princess ones. Ditch the co-workers.
-Phantom Reader aka Julie