I am sure you do, however, perhaps if you were born in 1986, you may not. And here is where my story begins. Once a upon a time in the lunch room at the office, a conversation broke out and is was a little like this:
Mr. Heavy Weight: "Do you think Little Miss Liar knows who Jimi Hendrix is?
Miss Country Beer drinker: Yes, I think she does
Myself: I agree, she must know who this is. He is an icon of music.
Little Miss Liar says, and I quote, "I have heard of him, but I don't know what he sings," from then she started singing a song by Bob Segar. Not even close.
So me and Miss Country Beer Drinker now owe Mr. Heavy Weight what we like to call "the stuff" which translate to 5 Hour Energy. It is considered contraband up here at the office.
The lesson I should have learned was from last week when I asked her if she knew who Sammy Hagar was. And the answer was, "who?"

And why on earth if she didn't know who Sammy Hagar is that she would know who Jimi Hendrix is. I know sometimes I just think, of course people know about all these things. If in 10 years I have this happen again, it will probably be similiar to this, "Do you know who Oprah is?" and the response will be, "who?"