Friday, January 2, 2009

A new year, a new choice...

Can you hear that?
It's me, exhaling. Pushing all the air out of my lungs and feeling relieved. Relieved that the New Year is here. (Not relieved because I am at work, and I could use some toothpicks to keep my eyes open.)

So I was thinking to myself, what could I change this year for myself. This year is going to be about me. I think I am about due. I am not worrying about everyone else, which I often tend to do. I am going to worry about me.

I think I will change my figure. Really change it. I know I say this every year, that this is the year of the "supermodel" body for me. However, I know it will be. All it takes is a few views of some harsh pictures (yes, a second chin has come to visit and apparently to stay) and some self-talk of why cheese fries call my name, and only I can hear them. SELF TALK, "They aren't talking Diana, they are just sitting on that plate, saying, hi, I am calories to add to your spare tire that sits around your waist." Self-talk is good. So size 8, I beg you, come find me this year. I know you are out there. I am also going to start swimming, and you know why, it's because I got new pink goggles for Christmas. I love swimming, it's a good work out. It's change. And I have decided change is what I need.

Don't worry, there's more. I am not putting up with any crap this year. Hard to believe, yes. But I am officially done keeping the pond calm. I vow that I am not going to do anything I don't want to do. I am not going to sit and listen to something I don't agree with and say nothing to keep the peace. I know it sounds simple, but oh the scariness of conflict brews in my conscious. This one could be a work in progress.

I am going to pay off my debt. I realize that seems small, and my debt isn't overwhelming in the grand sense of the American people, but for me, it's too much. I should have no debt. End of story. So if I have to sit home, eating ramen noodles for 6 months, so be it. This in the end the answer to less stress. At least for me. And when I am debt free, I will skip down to the salon for guiltless pedicures and manicures paid in cash. I will probably be singing too...

So there you have it...a new year for Diana.


  1. Good for you, Diana!! I shall support you in whatever ways I can in all of your efforts. I'd even like to swim with you!

  2. Woohoo!! My spare tire wants to join your spare tire, wherever you happen to banish it. And I am glad to hear you say you aren't going to just keep the peace anymore... I mean, there is no reason to be nasty, but there is also no reason to put up with anyone's BS, either.
