Oh joyous day, is the day when you get mail that is NOT a bill. So I strolled down to the mailbox just yesterday and it had been a while. My box was stuff with all kinds of stuff, tax W2, grocery fliers, and the secret package. So I had an envelop from my dear friend Miss Happy Go Lucky. But to my surprise I opened it and it was the most awesome gift. The Shit List. It's a pad where can write down the offender, violation and plan of attack. And it has these genius plans of attack, confront, ignore, stew (which is my favorite), avenge, talk shit, and a blank. I mean I have to get started. It even as a severity rating. It's genius. I am so happy. I needed this. Because as you know, I am trying to confront my anger more constructively. Always a challenge for one who doesn't like to rock the boat. But this year I am rocking it!